Friday, October 9, 2009

OCTOBER 9th,09

Where has time gone.
who knowssss
but guess what!??!?
I am goin to floRIDA next week and I can't even believe it! It is so exciting and scarrry and wonderful and if I play my cards right I am going to be movin and living with my best friend in like the whole world before a years time! OMG
my life has been crazy and this is not a front..
myabe I am just busy, or busy-in myself so I don't have anytime to thik.. but let's face it.. I tink a lot! haha and I am really happy with the road I have chosen.. be careful- don't think you know what I ma tlaking about,,,

gotta run.. work awaits! Tryin to get my 600 hours in! <3