Tuesday, May 12, 2009

That Someone..

*Someone who loves me because I am passionate and intense
*Someone who loves me because I am way too "communicating"
*Someone who lets me be in the spotlight
*Someone who likes it when I make a goof of myself in public
*Someone who likes my singing either when I am trying or when I am not
*Someone who enjoys my accompaniment and wants to spend as much time with me as possible
* Someone with a good sense of humor
* Someone who loves my family and can handle their humor
* Someone who chooses me eternally forever
* Someone who is genuine, honest, loyal, and trustworthy
* Someone who has charisma and is charming
* Someone to treat me like I am one in 7 bazillion and the most amazing girl he has ever met, I want him to be crazy about me..
* Someone who wants to tell me everything from dancing ballet as a young boy to the moment he first laid eyes on me.
* Someone who will put me to sleep when I get too tired, let me hold the remote control [when needed], and cry with me during the sad parts of T.V. shows, books, and movies.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


is not a word in my vocabulary.

is just another word I'll never learn to pronounce.

is a word I will never know how to spell.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Facebook Obsessive

I have stuff to do. I do them. I having nothing left. I have a lot of free time. I write e-mails. I call friends. I text. I lay out in the sun. I listen to music. I facebook. I eat. I sleep.

my basic routine.

Are there anymore quizzes to take? Any more friends to "stalk"? Is there anything else to be done?

I have learned how to play 2 songs on the piano by heart. I am a self taught one handed pianist.

How are you so busy?

"us" time


I guess that is what comes of a long distance relationship.

So of course I am bummed when our skype times are cancelled or delayed hours.

and then when the other half of this heart we share is way busy all the time - in fact, so busy that he feels I am a low priority - makes this suck. I write in the blog, I send e-mails, I text, I call, I facebook.. he texts..maybe.

I hate being in love.

what a joke.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009



Let me see/hear your team spirit!

for all those taken before their time.
You are loved, missed, and always remembered.

Monday, May 4, 2009


hate is a strong word..

sunbathing, suntanning, sunning.
ya, that's right, its going down.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


please communicate better.


What is wrong? Why do we give so much for little in return?

I recently was texting a boy, whom I once had a relationship with and had been way serious, at the time of this digital conversation I was under the impression that we were just as serious if not more and was in something that would appear as a long distance relationship without any official titles. 

When I replied to a statement of his and questioned his affirmation he gave an answer to half the statement.  When I later questioned the other part of why life is just kind of ok, he responded that the other part was the reason, so I responded, simply, with “Oh I thought maybe it might be ‘cause the kylie thing.”  Setting up the perfect situation for him to shine and say something completely sweet that would have swept me off my feet and fill that loneliness that comes from being far, far away from someone you love, from your best friend.  However to my heartbreak he replied, eloquently, with “Haha. No.” Slapped across the face, I respond.  After a half hour later and a few more texts to him left unreplied I send, “Okkkk well.. Do you feel ok?” Only to be torn again with, “Yeah. Texting is just annoying.”  Honestly, did that just happen?  I write back.  There is no need for me to say what I said. 

But, how did that just happen?  It was him to suggest that we text in the first place because he didn’t want to speak to me over the phone and because it was easier to text while doing homework.  The worst thing about this situation is, I am still hurt.  It hurts so much that I was just like slapped across the face by someone I thought loved me the way I loved him.  And on top of that, I don’t think he even knows or cares that this event caused this affect on me. 

I love how one can feel so strongly about another without the other feeling the same.  When is love ever equal?

Whoever said, “All you need is love,” was wrong.  All you need is to find someone who loves you with that same intensity and the same desire that you love them at the same time.

Apparently, I am the one who has been left falling on blind eyes or deaf ears or whatever, but I am unseen...

            once again.



Girl with a broken heart and tear stained face.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I had a bad day

I'm taking one down
I sang a sad song

but it didnt turn around

I wish you were here
you seem not to care
is this real?
or only whats fair?

I had a bad day
the weather don't mind
I thought you should know
I'm thinking of you all the time

There's no forever with you
no matter what I do
I am always gonna compete
with you to be seen

I thought this was different
I thought you were mine
I guess hearts are fooled

I Had A Bad Dayyy

yaa yaaaa
I had a bad dayyyyyy.