Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Birthday...

SO my birthday tomorrow should be fun.. right?
well maybe not.
So here is my itinerary:
wake up, go for a run in my new awesome sneaks, meet up with Jessica to try and get into HSM through TADW, SANTA MONICA with Lauren meeting Lindsay and Chelsea there, dinner at the pier, hang till...? then home.
It actually should be fun and semi decent but it could be totally better.. I miss those good ol'days where boys were flauking whenever my girls and I got together and hung in the world! Wow I sound lame.

oh well hopefully  it will be better than expected..
I am printing a map of Santa Monica Pier and surrounding areas now.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When One Door Closes...

Who knew saying "goodbye" would be soo hard?
Maybe that is because it is "goodbye" and not "see you next week" or "talk to you later".
I love my friends but having to make new ones all the time is exhausting. I miss being able to spend whatever time I want with friends. However this world is a weird one. And just when one thinks that their supposed "friends" no longer care, an older one calls, or another lets them know that he cares. So I guess saying "goodbye" isn't really hard as much as it is necessary.  So I guess I am finally saying goodbye and accepting that I have to be where I am to grow. 
So bring it on.
I know who I am, I am glad I do.